Consider Ayat 65 Of Surat Nisa'i.

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Abu Hafsat

Active Member
Oct 30, 2010
Kano, Nigeria
Assalam alaikum,
In Ayat 65 of Surat Nisa'i of the Holy Qur'an (4:65), Allah, Azzah Wa Jallah, says:--

"But No! By your Lord; They will never truly believe until they make you ( O Muhammad)
the judge of what is in dispute between them and find within themselves no dislike of
that which you decide, and they submit with full submission."

This means as if Allah Ta'ala is saying that this affair is not like they assume.... that they can connect to Allah without the necessity of following His Messenger, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam. "They will never truly believe" in Me and in you O Muhammad, "until they make you the judge", ie make you the criterion of judgement regarding their rights; "...and find within themselves no dislike of that which you decide", ie they find no constraints or distress in what you have judged in your judgement; "...and they submit with full submission"- ie that they confine themselves completely and perfectly to all your judgements throughly, and be guided in all they do by your decisions, as a covenant between you and them.

This Ayat is an answer to those who claim that it is sufficient for them to in their religion to follow the Book of Allah only, without folowing the Sunnah of His Messenger. They claim that the Sunnah and the Prophetic Traditions have weaknesses and obscurities. Whoever claims thus faces the danger of disbelief as this Ayat clarifies. So, beware!!