Tips for Cleaning the Garage

  • Work-from-home


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Mar 20, 2007
Toronto, Canada

• Designate a certain area in the garage for sports equipment, car accessories and cleaning products, home renovation items, and more. This will reduce clutter and help you find what you are looking for faster.

• Set up a bin system for garbage and recycling in your garage so that you don’t create a trash heap.

• Get a rack to hang your tools, bikes, and other garage items for.

• If you are doing anything crafty in the garage, cut up a few garbage bags and lay them on the floor, to keep it clean. (Trust us, if and when you want to sell your house, those interested in purchase will wonder what that big paint stain on the floor is from, and why you let it get there.)

Following all of these tips might allow you to successfully use the garage for its intended purpose: to store your car.
