Eid e Gadeer

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18th day of this month is Eid-e-Ghadeer. It is the eid of Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S) and is known as Eid-e-Mo’ud in the heavens it is reported that people asked Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S). “Is there any Eid for a Muslim other than Friday, Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha”? He (A.S) replied: “yes, there is an eid which bears great status among these three eids”. People again questioned: “which one is that Eid?. “Imam answered:” that is Eid-e-Ghadeer, it is the day when Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.b.U.H and his Aal) appointed Hazrat Ali ibne Abi Talib (A.S) His (P.b.U.H and His Aal) successor in GHADEER-E-KHUM after revelation of 67th aayah of Sura-e-Ma’eda (Table):

“O Apostle, proclaim what is revealed to you from your Lord, if you don’t, you will not have conveyed his message”.

By saying:
“Ali (A.S) is mula (master) of all those, of whom I am master”.
And after this proclamation 3rd verse of sura-e-Ma’eda (table) was revealed:

“This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favour to you. I have chosen Islam to be your faith (deen).
A Hadith of Imam Raza (A.S) goes : Allah forgives sins of 60 years of every momin and momenah in this day. So whow kindness to your brothers in Islam and make them please.
Following are some aamaal of the day:
ó Keeping fast; as it is equal to hundred pilgrimages (Hajj) and hundred off-seasonal pilgrimages (Umraas) in reward.
ó Take bath;
ó Wearing new dress;
ó Recite Ziarat-e-Ameer-ul-momeneen Ali (A.S) (three ziaraat of this day have been reported. One of them is Ziarat AMEEN-ULLAH);
ó Offer two rakaat prayer before half on hour to Zawaal time, because it was the time when Holy Prophet Muhammad appointed Ali (A.S) His (P.b.U.H and His Aal) Successor, in each rakat after recitation of sura Hamd following suras should be recited:
Sura Ikhlass ---- 10 times
Aayatul Kursi ---- 10 times.
And sura Qadr ----- 10 times.
This prayer, which is equal to one Lakh pilgrimages (Hajj) one lakh off-seasonal pilgrimages (Umraas) in reward, is also a source of fulfillment of all needs in this world and hereafter;
ó Recite Dua’a-e-Nudba;
ó And express greatings in these words:

“Praise is for Allah who has made me from among those who are stick fast he walayat-e-Ameer-ul-momeneen and Aaimmah (A.S).”
This was the same day when Prophet Moses (A.S) defeated the magicians and appointed Yousha-bin-Noon his wasi while Christ (Prophet Esa (A.S)) to shamoon. Nimrod’s pyre (lighted in bid to burn Abraham (A.S)became cool and safe for Prophet Abraham(A.S). In this day Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H and His Aal) connected relation of akhuwwat among His companions.


TM Star
Apr 12, 2009

"O my people! I am going to be recalled shortly and I must comply. I shall be interrogated and you also shall be interrogated. What will you say then?" The entire audience answered: "We shall bear witness that you did convey to us the message of Allah, and tried your best to guide us on the right path and always gave us good console. May Allah bless you with a good reward." The Prophet proceeded: "Why do you not bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, and that Paradise is true, Hell is true, Death is true, Resurrection after death is true, that the Day of Judgment will doubtlessly come and that Allah will raise to life the dead from their graves?." They said: "O Yes! We bear witness to all this." Then he said: "O Allah! You also may witness." Then he said: 'O my people! Allah is my Mawla and I am mawla of the faithful and I have superior right on and control over their lives. And this Ali is the mawla of all those of whom I am mawla. O Allah! Love him who loves him and hate him who hates him." He further said: "O my people! I will precede you and you also shall arrive at the pool of Kawthar, the pool wider than the distance between Basrah and San'a', and there are on the pool as many goblets of silver as stars. When you shall reach me I shall interrogate you about your behavior towards the two in-valuable assets after my death. The major asset is the Book of Allah, the Mighty and Glorious, one end of which is in the hand of Allah, the Exalted, and the other end of which in your hands. Grasp it tightly and do not go astray and do not change or amend it. The other asset is my Progeny, who are my Ahl al-Bayt. Allah the Gracious and Omniscient has informed me that the two will not part from each other before they reach me at the pool.

This Ghadir-e-Khumm event happened on the 18th of Dhil-Hijjah (1410 AH), in 10 Hijra in front of nearly one hundred thousand (100,000) Muslims. While returning from the last hajj (Hajjatul-wida / farewell pilgrimage) of our Holy Prophet (S.A.W.).


O Messenger! Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message, and Allah will protect you from the people; (AL-MAEDA/5:67)

This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion; (AL-MAEDA/5:3)

One demanding, demanded the chastisement which must befall, The unbelievers there is none to avert it, From Allah, the Lord of the ways of Ascent.(AL-MAARIJ/70:1-3)


Imam Ahmad has recorded the tradition related by Bara' ibn 'Azib in his Musnad, vol.4, p. 281, transmitted through two different sources. Bara' says: "We were with the Messenger of Allah. We alighted at Ghadir-e-Khumm. Congregational prayer was in order. An area under two trees was swept and cleaned for the Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him and his posterity. He offered midday prayers and he grasped the hand of 'Ali and said: 'Do you not know that I have superior authority over the lives of the faithful than the faithful themselves?' 'Yes you have,' they replied. He again inquired: 'Do you not know that I have superior right to the life of every believer than the believer himself?' 'Surely, you have,' they answered. Then he grasped the hand of 'Ali and said: 'Ali is the mawla of all those of whom I am mawla. O Allah! Love him who loves him and hate him who hates him.'" Bara' ibn 'Azib says: "Then 'Umar came to 'Ali and said: 'Congratulations to you the son of Abu Talib. You have become the mawla (master) of all the faithful men and women.'"


Here we will just mention one instance which took place in Kufa during the khilafah of Imam Ali (A.S.), 25 years after the Prophet's death.

When at Ali's insistence a large number of people gathered in the plain of Rahbah in Kufah, he addressed them saying: "I administer an oath in the name of Allah to all such Muslims as heard the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) making a proclamation on the day of Ghadir-e-Khumm, to stand up and testify what they heard him say. Only those who saw the Holy Prophet that day with their own eyes and heard the proclamation with their own ears should stand up." Thereupon, thirty companions of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W), including twelve of those who had participated in the battle of Badr, stood up and witnessed that the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) grasped his (Ali's) hand and said to the audience: "Do you know that I have a prior right to and superior authority over the souls (i.e., lives) of the faithful than the faithful themselves?" "O yes!" they said. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) then said: "He (Ali) is the mawla (i.e., has prior right to and superior authority over the lives) of all those of whom I am mawla. O Allah, love him who loves him (Ali) and hate him who hates him." It is logically impossible that thirty companions might have secretly agreed to speak a unanimous lie. In addition to the thirty witnesses there were other male companions whom enmity with Ali prevented from standing up and giving their evidence as eye-witnesses, like Anas ibn Malik.

When Ali (A.S.) said to Anas: "Why do you not stand up and testify what you heard from the messenger of Allah on the day of Ghadir?" he answered, "O Amir al-Momineen! I have grown old and do not remember." Thereupon Ali said: "May Allah mark you with a white spot (of leprosy) unconcealable with your turban, if you are intentionally withholding the truth." And before Anas got up from his place he bore a large white spot on his face. Thereafter, Anas used to say: "I am under the curse of a righteous slave of Allah.

Also bear in mind that this incident took place 25 years after the event of Ghadir Khum, and during this period hundreds of eyewitnesses had died naturally or in the battles fought during the first two khulafah's rule. Add to this the fact that this incident took place in Kufa which was far from the centre of the sahabas, Medina. This incident which took place in Kufa in the year 35 A.H. has itself been narrated by four sahaba and 14 tabi'un and has been recorded in most books of history and tradition.

A). Consecutively naratted (Mutawatir)
B). Numerous Sahih versions
C). Dedicated treatisis by 26 authors (Most of them are sunnies)

A). 110 companions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
B). 84 Successors (Tabiun)
C). Over 360 scholars to the present day (Most of them are sunnies)






Senior Member
Jul 10, 2008
I would like to thanks all of person, who related this post . . . .
& I specially Thanks to HBK & Payal ji . . .. . they have done great job . ....
Thanks for Sharing us . . . . this knowledge . . . . .
Geo Momineen . .. .

ALi (A.S) Waley Malagon ki Ebadat Aur hoti he
Yeh Sajdey Aur hotey hein, Aqamat aur hoti he

Ali (A.S) ke Dushmano ko Aur Ali (A.S) ko Es tarhan samjho
Nijasat aur hoti he, Taharat aur hoti he

Kiya Dawa Salooni ka Ali (A.S) ne yeh bataney ko
Khilafat aur hoti he, Imamat aur hoti he

Dukaney Haajiyon se Raat Din Faryaad kartein hein,
Tijarat Aur hoti he, Ziyarat aur hoti he,

Kahan Sadaat ke Dushman, Kahan Zehra (A.S) ke Shehzaadey
Nahoosat aur hoti he, Karamat Aur hoti he.

Gunahgaron ko Masoomo'n (A.S) se kyun Mansoob kartey ho,
Halakat aur hoti he, Shahadat aur hoti he

Zafar Bakhshish nahein hogi kissie Be-namazi ki
Magar Farsh-e-Aza Wali Ebadat Aur hoti he . ..
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Maria ki Mama
Jun 16, 2009
chaand pe
18th day of this month is Eid-e-Ghadeer. It is the eid of Aal-e-Muhammad (A.S) and is known as Eid-e-Mo’ud in the heavens it is reported that people asked Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S). “Is there any Eid for a Muslim other than Friday, Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha”? He (A.S) replied: “yes, there is an eid which bears great status among these three eids”. People again questioned: “which one is that Eid?. “Imam answered:” that is Eid-e-Ghadeer, it is the day when Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.b.U.H and his Aal) appointed Hazrat Ali ibne Abi Talib (A.S) His (P.b.U.H and His Aal) successor in GHADEER-E-KHUM after revelation of 67th aayah of Sura-e-Ma’eda (Table):

“O Apostle, proclaim what is revealed to you from your Lord, if you don’t, you will not have conveyed his message”.

By saying:
“Ali (A.S) is mula (master) of all those, of whom I am master”.
And after this proclamation 3rd verse of sura-e-Ma’eda (table) was revealed:

“This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favour to you. I have chosen Islam to be your faith (deen).
A Hadith of Imam Raza (A.S) goes : Allah forgives sins of 60 years of every momin and momenah in this day. So whow kindness to your brothers in Islam and make them please.
Following are some aamaal of the day:
ó Keeping fast; as it is equal to hundred pilgrimages (Hajj) and hundred off-seasonal pilgrimages (Umraas) in reward.
ó Take bath;
ó Wearing new dress;
ó Recite Ziarat-e-Ameer-ul-momeneen Ali (A.S) (three ziaraat of this day have been reported. One of them is Ziarat AMEEN-ULLAH);
ó Offer two rakaat prayer before half on hour to Zawaal time, because it was the time when Holy Prophet Muhammad appointed Ali (A.S) His (P.b.U.H and His Aal) Successor, in each rakat after recitation of sura Hamd following suras should be recited:
Sura Ikhlass ---- 10 times
Aayatul Kursi ---- 10 times.
And sura Qadr ----- 10 times.
This prayer, which is equal to one Lakh pilgrimages (Hajj) one lakh off-seasonal pilgrimages (Umraas) in reward, is also a source of fulfillment of all needs in this world and hereafter;
ó Recite Dua’a-e-Nudba;
ó And express greatings in these words:

“Praise is for Allah who has made me from among those who are stick fast he walayat-e-Ameer-ul-momeneen and Aaimmah (A.S).”
This was the same day when Prophet Moses (A.S) defeated the magicians and appointed Yousha-bin-Noon his wasi while Christ (Prophet Esa (A.S)) to shamoon. Nimrod’s pyre (lighted in bid to burn Abraham (A.S)became cool and safe for Prophet Abraham(A.S). In this day Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H and His Aal) connected relation of akhuwwat among His companions.

i need reference of this waqiya,and of the imam wali hadith too,means book with page no.


"O my people! I am going to be recalled shortly and I must comply. I shall be interrogated and you also shall be interrogated. What will you say then?" The entire audience answered: "We shall bear witness that you did convey to us the message of Allah, and tried your best to guide us on the right path and always gave us good console. May Allah bless you with a good reward." The Prophet proceeded: "Why do you not bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, and that Paradise is true, Hell is true, Death is true, Resurrection after death is true, that the Day of Judgment will doubtlessly come and that Allah will raise to life the dead from their graves?." They said: "O Yes! We bear witness to all this." Then he said: "O Allah! You also may witness." Then he said: 'O my people! Allah is my Mawla and I am mawla of the faithful and I have superior right on and control over their lives. And this Ali is the mawla of all those of whom I am mawla. O Allah! Love him who loves him and hate him who hates him." He further said: "O my people! I will precede you and you also shall arrive at the pool of Kawthar, the pool wider than the distance between Basrah and San'a', and there are on the pool as many goblets of silver as stars. When you shall reach me I shall interrogate you about your behavior towards the two in-valuable assets after my death. The major asset is the Book of Allah, the Mighty and Glorious, one end of which is in the hand of Allah, the Exalted, and the other end of which in your hands. Grasp it tightly and do not go astray and do not change or amend it. The other asset is my Progeny, who are my Ahl al-Bayt. Allah the Gracious and Omniscient has informed me that the two will not part from each other before they reach me at the pool.

This Ghadir-e-Khumm event happened on the 18th of Dhil-Hijjah (1410 AH), in 10 Hijra in front of nearly one hundred thousand (100,000) Muslims. While returning from the last hajj (Hajjatul-wida / farewell pilgrimage) of our Holy Prophet (S.A.W.).


O Messenger! Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message, and Allah will protect you from the people; (AL-MAEDA/5:67)

This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion; (AL-MAEDA/5:3)

One demanding, demanded the chastisement which must befall, The unbelievers there is none to avert it, From Allah, the Lord of the ways of Ascent.(AL-MAARIJ/70:1-3)


Imam Ahmad has recorded the tradition related by Bara' ibn 'Azib in his Musnad, vol.4, p. 281, transmitted through two different sources. Bara' says: "We were with the Messenger of Allah. We alighted at Ghadir-e-Khumm. Congregational prayer was in order. An area under two trees was swept and cleaned for the Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him and his posterity. He offered midday prayers and he grasped the hand of 'Ali and said: 'Do you not know that I have superior authority over the lives of the faithful than the faithful themselves?' 'Yes you have,' they replied. He again inquired: 'Do you not know that I have superior right to the life of every believer than the believer himself?' 'Surely, you have,' they answered. Then he grasped the hand of 'Ali and said: 'Ali is the mawla of all those of whom I am mawla. O Allah! Love him who loves him and hate him who hates him.'" Bara' ibn 'Azib says: "Then 'Umar came to 'Ali and said: 'Congratulations to you the son of Abu Talib. You have become the mawla (master) of all the faithful men and women.'"


Here we will just mention one instance which took place in Kufa during the khilafah of Imam Ali (A.S.), 25 years after the Prophet's death.

When at Ali's insistence a large number of people gathered in the plain of Rahbah in Kufah, he addressed them saying: "I administer an oath in the name of Allah to all such Muslims as heard the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) making a proclamation on the day of Ghadir-e-Khumm, to stand up and testify what they heard him say. Only those who saw the Holy Prophet that day with their own eyes and heard the proclamation with their own ears should stand up." Thereupon, thirty companions of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W), including twelve of those who had participated in the battle of Badr, stood up and witnessed that the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) grasped his (Ali's) hand and said to the audience: "Do you know that I have a prior right to and superior authority over the souls (i.e., lives) of the faithful than the faithful themselves?" "O yes!" they said. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) then said: "He (Ali) is the mawla (i.e., has prior right to and superior authority over the lives) of all those of whom I am mawla. O Allah, love him who loves him (Ali) and hate him who hates him." It is logically impossible that thirty companions might have secretly agreed to speak a unanimous lie. In addition to the thirty witnesses there were other male companions whom enmity with Ali prevented from standing up and giving their evidence as eye-witnesses, like Anas ibn Malik.

When Ali (A.S.) said to Anas: "Why do you not stand up and testify what you heard from the messenger of Allah on the day of Ghadir?" he answered, "O Amir al-Momineen! I have grown old and do not remember." Thereupon Ali said: "May Allah mark you with a white spot (of leprosy) unconcealable with your turban, if you are intentionally withholding the truth." And before Anas got up from his place he bore a large white spot on his face. Thereafter, Anas used to say: "I am under the curse of a righteous slave of Allah.

Also bear in mind that this incident took place 25 years after the event of Ghadir Khum, and during this period hundreds of eyewitnesses had died naturally or in the battles fought during the first two khulafah's rule. Add to this the fact that this incident took place in Kufa which was far from the centre of the sahabas, Medina. This incident which took place in Kufa in the year 35 A.H. has itself been narrated by four sahaba and 14 tabi'un and has been recorded in most books of history and tradition.

A). Consecutively naratted (Mutawatir)
B). Numerous Sahih versions
C). Dedicated treatisis by 26 authors (Most of them are sunnies)

A). 110 companions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
B). 84 Successors (Tabiun)
C). Over 360 scholars to the present day (Most of them are sunnies)

apki post k jis part ko mene italic kiya he usme ap ne koi authentic ka particular naam nhi likha, i need name,date,books,pages no.

well a part of these instructions

i have a question

k 25 ssal bad hi isko revive krne ki kiya zarurat thi??
means koi waja thi jisk bina pe itne arse revive nhi kiya gaya is waqiye ko??

jahan tak meri naqis maloomaat hen
80-85 saal pehle tak to tareekh e khilafat me koi eid e ghadeer nhi he

sirf is sadi me manayi gayi he eid e ghadeer to.

m i right???
or wrong??

plz aise mat samjhiyega ap log k fuzul behes me involve horahi hun me ne sirf refrence manga he or apni ek confusion apk samne rakhi he

and by the way we have only 2 eid according to sayings of prophet MOHAMMAD SALLALLAHO ALEHE WAALEHE WASALLAM,and aisi koi hadees nhi jis se kisi mujtahid ne teesri eid ko as a hukum bayan kiya ho,coz is waqiye se eid manane ka to mujhe koi talluq nazar nhi aata,na hi HUZUR SALLALLAHO ALEHE WAALEHE WASALLAM ne aisa koi ishara diya he apk bayan kiye hue waqiye me.

plz meri confusion door kren
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Senior Member
Jul 10, 2008
jahan tak meri naqis maloomaat hen [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]80-85 saal pehle tak to tareekh e khilafat me koi eid e ghadeer nhi he

sirf is sadi me manayi gayi he eid e ghadeer to.

m i right???
or wrong??

plz aise mat samjhiyega ap log k fuzul behes me involve horahi hun me ne sirf refrence manga he or apni ek confusion apk samne rakhi he

and by the way we have only 2 eid according to sayings of prophet MOHAMMAD SALLALLAHO ALEHE WAALEHE WASALLAM,and aisi koi hadees nhi jis se kisi mujtahid ne teesri eid ko as a hukum bayan kiya ho,coz is waqiye se eid manane ka to mujhe koi talluq nazar nhi aata,na hi HUZUR SALLALLAHO ALEHE WAALEHE WASALLAM ne aisa koi ishara diya he apk bayan kiye hue waqiye me.

plz meri confusion door kren


Hasb-e-Ikhtilaaf person ne . . . khud he tardeed kar di he k . .. woh naqis maloomat rakhtein hein . . . . ..

Mein jo Video share kar raha hoon . . . . . plz aap zaroor deikhiye ga . . ..
Es k ander Ahadees ka reference moujood he . . .. page no samait. .. . .

Event Of GHADEER e KHUM...Man Kunto Maula (Jis Jis ka main moula us us ka Ali moula)

Allama Tahir-ul-Qadri ne reference k saath Eid-e-Ghadeer ko samghaya he ... .
Agar ab bhi aapko doubt hoto app khud bhi en Ahadees ko personally read karsaktein hein .. . . . . lakin parne k baad na jhutlaiyega .. . . . warna aap . . . . ...


1 Roz 1 Sahib-e-Zulfdaraz ne
Humse Kaha k kab yeh sakhanwar ki Baat he

Aata nahein Zinkar-e-Rasool-e-Khudda Tumhein,
Bas Fatima (A.S) ki Baat he, Hyder (A.S) ki Baat he.

Mein ne Kaha jo Dawat-e-Awal ka Tazkira
Boley Hatao Es mein to Hyder (A.S) ki Baat he

Meine Kaha Jihaad-e-Paiyambar (A.S) karon biyan,
Khandaq ka Zikar he Kahein, Khyber ki Baat he

Kehney Lagey k Aur koi Tazkara karo,
Es mein to Saaf Zaighamd aur ki baat he,

Meine Sunaya Aayat-e-Tatheer ka Nazool,
Boley k Ghar mein Rehney do, Yeh Ghar ki Baat he,

Meine Nabi k ButShiqni ka kiya jo zikar,
kehney lagey k Dhukhti hui Rug na Chairiye,
Pa-e-Ali (A.S) Woh Dosh-e-Payambar (S.A.W.W) ki Baat he ..

Meine Sunaya Jub Shab-e-Hijrat ka Waqia
Boley yeh to Rasool (S.A.W.W) k Bishtar ki Baat he.

Meine Nabi (S.A.W.W) ke Aakhri Haj ka kiya jo Zikar,
Boley k Yeh to Aziz k Mimnbar ki Baat he

Meine kaha Zikar-e-Nabi (S.A.W.W) Kis Tarhan se Karun,
Ahmad (S.A.W.W) ki Baat Baad mein, Hyder ki Baat he.

Boley k Zikar Auron ka Aata nahein he Kyun,
Meine Kahan Yeh to Muqadar ki Baat he . .

Iqrar Kazmi

Nov 24, 2009
wah wah....zaberdat Bossss......................
HBK boht boht boht umdah.....Payal jee..aap ki to kia hi baat hei..
or my Brother...........Different person....mein aap ka personaly shaukariya aada karta hon....aap ne boht boht nice sharing ki hie....or boht umdah poetry send ki hei....

Meine kaha Zikar-e-Nabi (S.A.W.W) Kis Tarhan se Karun,
Ahmad (S.A.W.W) ki Baat Baad mein, Hyder ki Baat he.

Boley k Zikar Auron ka Aata nahein he Kyun,
Meine Kahan Yeh to Muqadar ki Baat he . .

boht umdah...

agar Gunjaan jee ko abi b ref ki zarorat parey to wo mujh se rabta kar sakti hien...
mein Sha-h Sitta (most athentic books of Ahadees) se ref de sakta hon.

Take care and Best regards


Senior Member
Jul 10, 2008
Payal ji . . . . Kasoor en logon ka bhi nahien he . .. . .
yeh Log khud ko Ahl-e-Hadees to barey fakhar se kehtye hen . .. .
par apni kitaabon ki study nahein kartey. . . . . .

En Mohtarma ne jo humse proof manga he . . . . means reference . ... .
patta he es ne us zaat par bhi shak kiya he jisne Hazrat ALi ki Wilayat biyaan ki he . .. . . . .
Aur yeh khud bhi apna anjaam nahein jaantein . . . . ..
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Maria ki Mama
Jun 16, 2009
chaand pe
Payal ji . . . . Kasoor en logon ka bhi nahien he . .. . .
yeh Log khud ko Ahl-e-Hadees to barey fakhar se kehtye hen . .. .
par apni kitaabon ki study nahein kartey. . . . . .

En Mohtarma ne jo humse proof manga he . . . . means reference . ... .
patta he es ne us zaat par bhi shak kiya he jisne Hazrat ALi ki Wilayat biyaan ki he . .. . . . .
Aur yeh khud bhi apna anjaam nahein jaantein . . . . ..
listen diff person

me kisi firqe ko nhi manti understand!!

me musalmaan hun or mera maslak hanfi he

mene kis pe shak kiya he???

mene ap logon ki eid e ghadeer pehle dafa suni he k hoti he ap logon me

kuch confusions the isliye sawal kiya

viideo dekhti hun usko verify krk then baat krungi mazeed

mujhe ap plz apne in teer bhare alfazon se door hi rakah kren

or hr kisi ko ek jesa mat samjh akren

daleel mangna mera haq he

tareekh gawah he khaleeefa tak se dallail mange gaye hen usk koi aisi baat khne pe jo kisi ne kabi suni na ho

mene ye nhi suna tha isliye pucha hosakta he yahan or logon ko pata ho
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Senior Member
Jul 10, 2008
listen diff person

me kisi firqe ko nhi manti understand!!

me musalmaan hun or mera maslak hanfi he

mene kis pe shak kiya he???

mene ap logon ki eid e ghadeer pehle dafa suni he k hoti he ap logon me

kuch confusions the isliye sawal kiya

viideo dekhti hun usko verify krk then baat krungi mazeed

mujhe ap plz apne in teer bhare alfazon se door hi rakah kren

or hr kisi ko ek jesa mat samjh akren

daleel mangna mera haq he

tareekh gawah he khaleeefa tak se dallail mange gaye hen usk koi aisi baat khne pe jo kisi ne kabi suni na ho

mene ye nhi suna tha isliye pucha hosakta he yahan or logon ko pata ho

mughey behas karni he nahen he . . . . bcoz aapne reference manga tha jo meine diya he . . . . . .

I hope aapne ab understand karliya hoga . . . Eid-e-Ghadeer ko . . . .

aur haan . . . Aapne kaha daleel mangna aapka Haq he .. ..
Aur Sach ko Manna bhi Aapka Farz he . . .. . .

mughey aur aapse koi baat nahein karni . .. .


Maria ki Mama
Jun 16, 2009
chaand pe
ji bilkul

plz dont b so serious

mera maqsad qatyi koi behes krna nhi he

me bilkul is video ko sun rahi hun or apne pas likh rahi hun sari cheezen taake khud verify krsakun
or mujhe koi aar nhi hogi phr is sach ko maane me qk jis k pas sach aya haq aya or usne na maana usk liye sakht saza he

lekin daleel ap ne eid krne ki hi di he na???

mujhe ye baat janni he k is waqiye se aisi konsa hukum he eid ka???
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TM Star
Apr 12, 2009
Aray gunjan,,ref mangna aapka haq hai aur dena humara sis...
haq ada hogaya hai...kya abb bhi Qala Rasool Allah yaani hadees e Rasool ko jhutlaogi???
Aapko kisne kaha k aap hume maano...humne kaha k Rasool SWWW ki baat maano..
humari nahi....
jab unki baat jo H. ALi ki vilayath ki shaan mei kahi gayi hai ,,naa manti ho toh auro ki to chodiye...
Aapse kisi ne bhi koi zabardasti nahi ki hai maanne k liye aur humko pata hai k aap nahi maanogi,,kyun k meine kaha naa jab sadiyon se jhutla raha hai zamna toh aap ki kya baat hai...

50 aise ahadees hain gunjan ji jisme vialyath e Hyder e karrar ka iqrar hua hai..
kis kisko jhutlaoge ya kis kiski nafi karoge,,aur wo bhi..ahle hadees ki kitabon se..
Sahi Muslim page no 86..''MAN KUNTO MAULA WA HAZA ALI MAULA''
yeh naam toh suna hoga na aapne...

baakhi aaiyindaa...


Maria ki Mama
Jun 16, 2009
chaand pe
aray baba mera sawal ye he k is wilayat se eid ka kiya tasawwar nikalta he???

qk RASOOL SAWAW ne nhi manayi to phir???

na unkuhone aisa bola he is wilayat me

meri ye confusion door kro na plz

mujhe ghalat mat lo


Senior Member
Jul 10, 2008
ji bilkul

plz dont b so serious

mera maqsad qatyi koi behes krna nhi he

me bilkul is video ko sun rahi hun or apne pas likh rahi hun sari cheezen taake khud verify krsakun
or mujhe koi aar nhi hogi phr is sach ko maane me qk jis k pas sach aya haq aya or usne na maana usk liye sakht saza he

lekin daleel ap ne eid krne ki hi di he na???

mujhe ye baat janni he k is waqiye se aisi konsa hukum he eid ka???

Janab aap personally check kigiye . . .. . .. Jub aapko Sach samagh aayeiga to Aapko Haq Samagh mein aayeiga. . . Aur jub Aapko Haq Samagh mein Ayeiga . . .. . to Aako Eid-e-Ghadeer bhi Samagh aajayeigi . .. . . .

Eid k means khushi k hein .. . . . aur Tamaam Momineen ki khushi . .. .. Moula ki Khushi mein . ... . . Ali (A.S) ki wilyat he . . . aur Hum Khushi na manayein . . . .. .. yeh kaisey hosakta he . .. . .
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